Kidnapped By Your Cock Blocker, GFE Phone Sex

I was waiting for one of my cam whores to show up, for our appointment, today. Only to be left, with no eager, slutty, Mistress pleasing, hoe on my cam, to view!

I knew immediately who was to blame.

That fucking cock blocker!

That bitch!

The one who wont milk your cock, but who likes to bitch about EVERYTHING you do!

That bitch, I would dispose of myself permanently, before I would become.

That cunt, I could not FATHOM being! Who’s head must be a fucking circus, to contain all that crazy, and still be walking free, able to cock block you, and me!

That bitch…… that, you married!

Ya know, the one you just couldn’t have enough of! The one who was “better” than all other women! *SNORTS*

What the fuck kinda sorry ass women who don’t like to suck dick, do you hang around with? *Laughs*

The invisible leash, you can not escape, for even when you do, her shrill voice rings in your ears, and fucks with your subconscious.

Wouldn’t you rather have ME toying with your inner thoughts?

Wouldn’t you rather my sexy voice be ringing in your ears all day, whispering nasty nothings, and coaxing you into doing even NASTIER things?

Instead of, “How could you!” “You are disgusting” and “no pussy for you, tonight” being the only things that seem to be in her vocabulary?

My goodness, I do NOT know how you can STAND her, although.. I AM starting to understand why people off their spouses!

It’s kinda your fault, too.. man! I mean, you are the one who married someone with no mouth skills, zero personality, and the stamina of a slug!

Yes, poor decision making skills you have!

Obviously, you need someone to tell you when people are fucking amazing, because you can not tell what show stopping glorious even, IS!

Not, if you thought SHE was the best anyone could ever do in life!

So, here I am.. I am telling you.. I AM amazing! I have NO limits! I love to fuck, and I love dicks ramming in and out of my whore mouth!

Cum fuck with a REAL bitch!

And, yes, a punishment doth await you, my dear. No cunt should keep you from honoring your promises to your Princess, when they are oh, so beneath me!

Should they?


1 844 33 CANDY Ext 259

(844) 33-2639   Ext 259